How I passed the Core Solutions of Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 exam 70-331

Here is a little celebration post! Yesterday I passed the Core Solutions of Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 exam with 725 points. Woohoo! But not only to celebrate, but also to educate: Here are a number of resources I found very useful.

SharePoint 70-331 core exam Continue reading How I passed the Core Solutions of Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 exam 70-331

Book review: Proactive PPM with Microsoft Project 2013

Proactive PPM with Microsoft Project 2013Finally I got to it. Another book review on Project Server and this time even Project Online! I met the guys at Sensei Project Solutions at the Project Conference in Anaheim. They are a great source of Project Server information, I followed a number of their presentations and also talked to the author of the book; Kenneth Steiness.

Microsoft also acknowledges the company by making it partner of the year 2014. Congratulations guys!

———————-Update June 2015————

I have added some free content related to the book on the TPC_OneDrive, go have a look, and read the “read me” file please.


Continue reading Book review: Proactive PPM with Microsoft Project 2013

The 80-20 for Microsoft Project

During the two weeks I was taking care of little Wendy I also started reading The Four Hour Body by Timothy Ferriss. And apart from being an excellent guide to rapid fat-loss and perfecting sleep, there is one real interesting concept that got stuck in my mind: The Pareto or 80-20 principle. Tim is a great source for finding the 20% that produces 80% of the desired results. Now, let’s find out that 20% for Microsoft Project use!

Continue reading The 80-20 for Microsoft Project

Building a scope creep view

Dominic Moss commented on the about baselines post with a nice suggestion. He talks about creating a view that shows a bar that gives the difference between actual finish dates and the proposed finish date captured in baseline(n). I told him that I would consider building this view and posting it on my blog. Today is that day Dominic, and I hope you like what I have done with your suggestion. Let’s build this:

Scope Creep View Finished
Continue reading Building a scope creep view

Building a custom UI for Microsoft Project 2013 ribbon

Hi Readers,

For a while now we got this great new menu structure called the ribbon. It was introduced to Office back in 2007 and Microsoft Project got the treatment in its 2010 installment. Microsoft even helped users that were used to the old menu with this handy link, that I tweeted about a lot in early 2011, that switches between the old 2007 and the “new” 2010 ribbon.

Continue reading Building a custom UI for Microsoft Project 2013 ribbon

Windows phone 8 and sync with Google contacts. Error 8007000E (completely unrelated to Project Server)

Hi readers,

I just have to blog about this! I got a Windows Phone, FINALLY. So straight on I start linking the contacts of my Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail and Outlook accounts. Getting a new phone is a great time to start cleaning up your contact list right? Now here’s the deal, there is a minor issue with synching your Google contacts to the windows phone. It has to do with the images on the contacts, and here in this post I will share the solution that I found. Continue reading Windows phone 8 and sync with Google contacts. Error 8007000E (completely unrelated to Project Server)