Building a view in Microsoft Project, the correct way

As a consultant I travel between lots of companies that use Microsoft Project. Most of the time they use the product as a standalone scheduling tool when I first visit them. The common case is that they have taught themselves how to use the product and most of the time things go relatively smoothly.

This is not the case with views. Views in Microsoft Project are almost always created poorly. This post will be about creating views and about maintaining them properly. Continue reading Building a view in Microsoft Project, the correct way

Excited for Anaheim Project Conference 2014

Hi readers,

I am excited! JSR has decided to send my CEO, Maurice Ausum (writer of the Office Corner) and me to go to Anaheim and visit the Project Conference 2014.

This is the event on Microsoft Project in the world. All the big names will be there including Gary and Eric.
Continue reading Excited for Anaheim Project Conference 2014

Book review: Forecast Scheduling with Microsoft Project 2010

Hi there, this is my 5th book review and a book that has a special story. I bought the book at the Microsoft Project Conference of 2012. I even got the book signed by the author, Eric Uyttewaal, himself. It was a nice meeting and we will probably shake hands again when I visit the USA to attend the Project Conference 2014 in Anaheim (have a look at all the cool content of the conference here).

The book is big, bigger than the 2003 version of dynamic scheduling (also written by Eric), a nice 775 pages of project management best practices using Microsoft Project 2010. The book is written for the 2010 version of the product but most of the exercises and theory holds true for 2007 and 2013 as well. Continue reading Book review: Forecast Scheduling with Microsoft Project 2010

2013, some statistics

Hi readers and welcome to 2014! I hope you had a wonderful time with your loved ones during Christmas and New Year. I had a great time reading Doctor Sleep by Stephen king, a great book! And I spend nice long walks on the beach with the girlfriend and had great (huge) dinners.
Continue reading 2013, some statistics

Book review: Dynamic Scheduling with MS Project 2010

The Dynamic Scheduling books (2003, 2007 and 2013 also available) are a great way to get to know Microsoft Project and learn some of the key features that help you build a schedule that last the whole project life cycle. As far as I know there isn’t a 2013 version yet.

In my work as a consultant I have seen a lot of people use date related planning, the Dynamic Scheduling method helps define a better way to building a project plan. The book is nicely arranged and has some good best practices from building Work Breakdown Structures (WBS) to Earned Value (EV) calculations.

The book comes with a nice set of Web Added Value (WAV) downloads and will be a great way to learn for Microsoft certification Exam 70-178: Microsoft Project 2010, Managing Projects. Grab your own copy of the book by going to this link.

I would give this book a score of 4 out of 5 stars.

My view on ProjectOnline (including 2 great new features)

Microsoft launched their new Product Project Server 2013 in two distinct versions. We have a Project Server 2013 option, where the server is running on local application servers or hosted by third party suppliers. This is cheaper than the 2010 version because it now has only 1 dedicated database instead of 4. And the second option, closely linked to Office365, is called ProjectOnline. ProjectOnline is marketed as a completely new way to look at servers and gives the client the option to seriousy downsize their technical maintenance staff because Microsoft itself hosts the servers. Continue reading My view on ProjectOnline (including 2 great new features)

Book reviews on Project management and MS Project (server)

Hi readers,

As a consultant I try to read and know as much as possible about the subjects I’m considered to be an expert in. Apart from blogs and Microsoft TechNet there is a whole universe of project (management) literature out there to suite just that need. This is why I started doing book reviews!

Continue reading Book reviews on Project management and MS Project (server)